Source code for estimagic.optimization.scipy

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

[docs]def minimize_scipy_np(func, x0, bounds, algo_name, algo_options=None, gradient=None): """Interface for scipy. Args: func (callable): Objective function. x0 (np.ndarray): Starting values of the parameters. bounds (Tuple[np.ndarray]): A tuple containing two NumPy arrays where the first corresponds to the lower and the second to the upper bound. Unbounded parameters are represented by infinite values. The arrays have the same length as the parameter vector. algo_name (str): One of the optimizers of the scipy package which receives the same inputs as the ``"method"`` keyword of the original function. algo_options (dict): Options for the optimizer. gradient (callable): Gradient function. Returns: results (dict): Dictionary with processed optimization results. """ # Scipy works with `None` instead of infinite values for unconstrained parameters # and requires a list of tuples for each parameter with lower and upper bound. bounds = np.column_stack(bounds) mask = ~np.isfinite(bounds) bounds = bounds.astype("object") bounds[mask] = None bounds = tuple(bounds) scipy_results_obj = minimize( func, x0, jac=gradient, method=algo_name, bounds=bounds, options=algo_options, ) results = _process_scipy_results(scipy_results_obj) return results
def _process_scipy_results(scipy_results_obj): results = {**scipy_results_obj} # Harmonized results results["status"] = "success" results["fitness"] = results.pop("fun", None) results["n_evaluations"] = results.pop("nfev", None) # Other results. results["jacobian"] = results.pop("jac", None) results["hessian"] = results.pop("hess", None) results["n_evaluations_jacobian"] = results.pop("njev", None) results["n_evaluations_hessian"] = results.pop("nhev", None) results["n_iterations"] = results.pop("nit", None) results["max_constraints_violations"] = results.pop("maxcv", None) results["hessian_inverse"] = results.pop("hess_inv", None) return results