
Estimagic is designed and maintained by Janos Gabler (janosg).

However, it has been a collaborative project right from the start.

In particular we would like to thank:

  • Klara Röhrl (roecla) for writing most of the dashboard code, contributing plots and doing code reviews.

  • Tobias Raabe (tobiasraabe) for setting up the continuous integration and contributing several bug-fixes and improvements.

  • Max Blesch (MaxBlesch) for contributing code for numerical integration and calculation of standard errors for GMM and MSM estimators

  • Linda Maokomatanda (lindamaok899) for contributing code for the calculation of likelihood standard errors

  • Moritz Mendel (mo2561057) for wrapping the pounders algorithm from TAO

If you want to find your name here as well, please contact us or browse through our Issues and submit a Pull Request.