Source code for estimagic.benchmarking.run_benchmark

"""Functions to create, run and visualize optimization benchmarks.

- Add other benchmark sets:
    - finish medium scale problems from, Page 34.
    - add scalar problems from
- Add option for deterministic noise or wiggle.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pybaum import tree_just_flatten

from estimagic import batch_evaluators
from estimagic.optimization import AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS
from estimagic.optimization.optimize import minimize
from estimagic.optimization.optimize_result import OptimizeResult
from estimagic.parameters.tree_registry import get_registry

[docs]def run_benchmark( problems, optimize_options, *, batch_evaluator="joblib", n_cores=1, error_handling="continue", max_criterion_evaluations=1_000, disable_convergence=True, ): """Run problems with different optimize options. Args: problems (dict): Nested dictionary with benchmark problems of the structure: {"name": {"inputs": {...}, "solution": {...}, "info": {...}}} where "inputs" are keyword arguments for ``minimize`` such as the criterion function and start parameters. "solution" contains the entries "params" and "value" and "info" might contain information about the test problem. optimize_options (list or dict): Either a list of algorithms or a Nested dictionary that maps a name for optimizer settings (e.g. ``"lbfgsb_strict_criterion"``) to a dictionary of keyword arguments for arguments for ``minimize`` (e.g. ``{"algorithm": "scipy_lbfgsb", "algo_options": {"convergence.relative_criterion_tolerance": 1e-12}}``). Alternatively, the values can just be an algorithm which is then benchmarked at default settings. batch_evaluator (str or callable): See :ref:`batch_evaluators`. n_cores (int): Number of optimizations that is run in parallel. Note that in addition to that an optimizer might parallelize. error_handling (str): One of "raise", "continue". max_criterion_evaluations (int): Shortcut to set the maximum number of criterion evaluations instead of passing them in via algo options. In case an optimizer does not support this stopping criterion, we also use this as max iterations. disable_convergence (bool): If True, we set extremely strict convergence convergence criteria by default, such that most optimizers will exploit their full computation budget set by max_criterion_evaluations. Returns: dict: Nested Dictionary with information on the benchmark run. The outer keys are tuples where the first entry is the name of the problem and the second the name of the optimize options. The values are dicts with the entries: "params_history", "criterion_history", "time_history" and "solution". """ if isinstance(batch_evaluator, str): batch_evaluator = getattr( batch_evaluators, f"{batch_evaluator}_batch_evaluator" ) opt_options = _process_optimize_options( optimize_options, max_evals=max_criterion_evaluations, disable_convergence=disable_convergence, ) kwargs_list, names = _get_kwargs_list_and_names(problems, opt_options) raw_results = batch_evaluator( func=minimize, arguments=kwargs_list, n_cores=n_cores, error_handling=error_handling, unpack_symbol="**", ) results = _get_results(names, raw_results, kwargs_list) return results
def _process_optimize_options(raw_options, max_evals, disable_convergence): if not isinstance(raw_options, dict): dict_options = {} for option in raw_options: if isinstance(option, str): dict_options[option] = option else: dict_options[option.__name__] = option else: dict_options = raw_options default_algo_options = {} if max_evals is not None: default_algo_options["stopping.max_criterion_evaluations"] = max_evals default_algo_options["stopping.max_iterations"] = max_evals if disable_convergence: default_algo_options["convergence.relative_criterion_tolerance"] = 1e-14 default_algo_options["convergence.relative_params_tolerance"] = 1e-14 default_algo_options["convergence.relative_gradient_tolerance"] = 1e-14 out_options = {} for name, _option in dict_options.items(): if not isinstance(_option, dict): option = {"algorithm": _option} else: option = _option.copy() algo_options = {**default_algo_options, **option.get("algo_options", {})} algo_options = {k.replace(".", "_"): v for k, v in algo_options.items()} option["algo_options"] = algo_options if isinstance(option.get("algo_options"), dict): option["algo_options"] = {**default_algo_options, **option["algo_options"]} else: option["algo_options"] = default_algo_options out_options[name] = option return out_options def _get_kwargs_list_and_names(problems, opt_options): kwargs_list = [] names = [] for prob_name, problem in problems.items(): for option_name, options in opt_options.items(): algo = options["algorithm"] if isinstance(algo, str): if algo not in AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS: raise ValueError(f"Invalid algorithm: {algo}") else: valid_options = AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS[algo]._algorithm_info.arguments else: valid_options = algo._algorithm_info.arguments algo_options = options["algo_options"] algo_options = {k: v for k, v in algo_options.items() if k in valid_options} kwargs = {**options, **problem["inputs"]} kwargs["algo_options"] = algo_options kwargs_list.append(kwargs) names.append((prob_name, option_name)) return kwargs_list, names def _get_results(names, raw_results, kwargs_list): registry = get_registry(extended=True) results = {} for name, result, inputs in zip(names, raw_results, kwargs_list): if isinstance(result, OptimizeResult): history = result.history params_history = pd.DataFrame( [tree_just_flatten(p, registry=registry) for p in history["params"]] ) criterion_history = pd.Series(history["criterion"]) time_history = pd.Series(history["runtime"]) elif isinstance(result, str): _criterion = inputs["criterion"] params_history = pd.DataFrame( tree_just_flatten(inputs["params"], registry=registry) ).T criterion_history = pd.Series(_criterion(inputs["params"])["value"]) time_history = pd.Series([np.inf]) else: raise TypeError( "'result' object is expected to be of type 'dict' or 'str'." ) results[name] = { "params_history": params_history, "criterion_history": criterion_history, "time_history": time_history, "solution": result, } return results