Source code for estimagic.visualization.slice_plot

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
from estimagic.batch_evaluators import process_batch_evaluator
from estimagic.config import DEFAULT_N_CORES
from estimagic.config import PLOTLY_TEMPLATE
from estimagic.parameters.conversion import get_converter
from estimagic.parameters.tree_registry import get_registry
from estimagic.visualization.plotting_utilities import combine_plots
from estimagic.visualization.plotting_utilities import get_layout_kwargs
from plotly import graph_objects as go
from pybaum import tree_just_flatten

[docs]def slice_plot( func, params, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, func_kwargs=None, selector=None, n_cores=DEFAULT_N_CORES, n_gridpoints=20, plots_per_row=2, param_names=None, share_y=True, expand_yrange=0.02, share_x=False, color="#497ea7", template=PLOTLY_TEMPLATE, title=None, return_dict=False, make_subplot_kwargs=None, batch_evaluator="joblib", ): """Plot criterion along coordinates at given and random values. Generates plots for each parameter and optionally combines them into a figure with subplots. Args: criterion (callable): criterion function that takes params and returns a scalar value or dictionary with the entry "value". params (pytree): A pytree with parameters. lower_bounds (pytree): A pytree with same structure as params. Must be specified and finite for all parameters unless params is a DataFrame containing with "lower_bound" column. upper_bounds (pytree): A pytree with same structure as params. Must be specified and finite for all parameters unless params is a DataFrame containing with "lower_bound" column. selector (callable): Function that takes params and returns a subset of params for which we actually want to generate the plot. n_cores (int): Number of cores. n_gridpoins (int): Number of gridpoints on which the criterion function is evaluated. This is the number per plotted line. plots_per_row (int): Number of plots per row. param_names (dict or NoneType): Dictionary mapping old parameter names to new ones. share_y (bool): If True, the individual plots share the scale on the yaxis and plots in one row actually share the y axis. share_x (bool): If True, set the same range of x axis for all plots and share the x axis for all plots in one column. expand_y (float): The ration by which to expand the range of the (shared) y axis, such that the axis is not cropped at exactly max of Criterion Value. color: The line color. template (str): The template for the figure. Default is "plotly_white". layout_kwargs (dict or NoneType): Dictionary of key word arguments used to update layout of plotly Figure object. If None, the default kwargs defined in the function will be used. title (str): The figure title. return_dict (bool): If True, return dictionary with individual plots of each parameter, else, ombine individual plots into a figure with subplots. make_subplot_kwargs (dict or NoneType): Dictionary of keyword arguments used to instantiate plotly Figure with multiple subplots. Is used to define properties such as, for example, the spacing between subplots (governed by 'horizontal_spacing' and 'vertical_spacing'). If None, default arguments defined in the function are used. batch_evaluator (str or callable): See :ref:`batch_evaluators`. Returns: out (dict or plotly.Figure): Returns either dictionary with individual slice plots for each parameter or a plotly Figure combining the individual plots. """ layout_kwargs = None if title is not None: title_kwargs = {"text": title} else: title_kwargs = None if func_kwargs is not None: func = partial(func, **func_kwargs) func_eval = func(params) converter, flat_params = get_converter( func=func, params=params, constraints=None, lower_bounds=lower_bounds, upper_bounds=upper_bounds, func_eval=func_eval, primary_key="value", scaling=False, scaling_options=None, ) n_params = len(flat_params.values) selected = np.arange(n_params, dtype=int) if selector is not None: helper = converter.params_from_internal(selected) registry = get_registry(extended=True) selected = np.array( tree_just_flatten(selector(helper), registry=registry), dtype=int ) if not np.isfinite(flat_params.lower_bounds[selected]).all(): raise ValueError("All selected parameters must have finite lower bounds.") if not np.isfinite(flat_params.upper_bounds[selected]).all(): raise ValueError("All selected parameters must have finite upper bounds.") evaluation_points, metadata = [], [] for pos in selected: lb = flat_params.lower_bounds[pos] ub = flat_params.upper_bounds[pos] grid = np.linspace(lb, ub, n_gridpoints) name = flat_params.names[pos] for param_value in grid: if param_value != flat_params.values[pos]: meta = { "name": name, "Parameter Value": param_value, } x = flat_params.values.copy() x[pos] = param_value point = converter.params_from_internal(x) evaluation_points.append(point) metadata.append(meta) batch_evaluator = process_batch_evaluator(batch_evaluator) func_values = batch_evaluator( func=func, arguments=evaluation_points, error_handling="continue", n_cores=n_cores, ) # add NaNs where an evaluation failed func_values = [ converter.func_to_internal(val) if not isinstance(val, str) else np.nan for val in func_values ] func_values += [converter.func_to_internal(func_eval)] * len(selected) for pos in selected: meta = { "name": flat_params.names[pos], "Parameter Value": flat_params.values[pos], } metadata.append(meta) plot_data = pd.DataFrame(metadata) plot_data["Function Value"] = func_values if param_names is not None: plot_data["name"] = plot_data["name"].replace(param_names) lb = plot_data["Function Value"].min() ub = plot_data["Function Value"].max() y_range = ub - lb yaxis_ub = ub + y_range * expand_yrange yaxis_lb = lb - y_range * expand_yrange layout_kwargs = get_layout_kwargs( layout_kwargs, None, title_kwargs, template, False, ) plots_dict = {} for pos in selected: par_name = flat_params.names[pos] if param_names is not None and par_name in param_names: par_name = param_names[par_name] df = plot_data[plot_data["name"] == par_name].sort_values("Parameter Value") subfig = px.line( df, y="Function Value", x="Parameter Value", color_discrete_sequence=[color], ) subfig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[flat_params.values[pos]], y=[converter.func_to_internal(func_eval)], marker={"color": color}, ) ) subfig.update_layout(**layout_kwargs) subfig.update_xaxes(title={"text": par_name}) subfig.update_yaxes(title={"text": "Function Value"}) if share_y is True: subfig.update_yaxes(range=[yaxis_lb, yaxis_ub]) plots_dict[par_name] = subfig if return_dict: out = plots_dict else: plots = list(plots_dict.values()) out = combine_plots( plots=plots, plots_per_row=plots_per_row, sharex=share_x, sharey=share_y, share_yrange_all=share_y, share_xrange_all=share_x, expand_yrange=expand_yrange, make_subplot_kwargs=make_subplot_kwargs, showlegend=False, template=template, clean_legend=True, layout_kwargs=layout_kwargs, legend_kwargs={}, title_kwargs=title_kwargs, ) return out