Source code for estimagic.inference.bootstrap

import pandas as pd
from estimagic.batch_evaluators import joblib_batch_evaluator
from estimagic.inference.bootstrap_ci import compute_ci
from estimagic.inference.bootstrap_helpers import check_inputs
from estimagic.inference.bootstrap_outcomes import get_bootstrap_outcomes

[docs]def bootstrap( data, outcome, *, outcome_kwargs=None, n_draws=1_000, cluster_by=None, ci_method="percentile", alpha=0.05, seed=None, n_cores=1, error_handling="continue", batch_evaluator=joblib_batch_evaluator, ): """Calculate bootstrap estimates, standard errors and confidence intervals for statistic of interest in given original sample. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): original dataset. outcome (callable): function of the data calculating statistic of interest. Needs to return a pandas Series. outcome_kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments for outcome. n_draws (int): number of bootstrap samples to draw. cluster_by (str): column name of variable to cluster by or None. ci_method (str): method of choice for confidence interval computation. alpha (float): significance level of choice. seeds (numpy.array): array of seeds for bootstrap samples, default is none. n_cores (int): number of jobs for parallelization. error_handling (str): One of "continue", "raise". Default "continue" which means that bootstrap estimates are only calculated for those samples where no errors occur and a warning is produced if any error occurs. batch_evaluator (str or Callable): Name of a pre-implemented batch evaluator (currently 'joblib' and 'pathos_mp') or Callable with the same interface as the estimagic batch_evaluators. See :ref:`batch_evaluators`. Returns: results (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame where k'th row contains mean estimate, standard error, and confidence interval of k'th parameter. """ check_inputs(data, cluster_by, ci_method, alpha) estimates = get_bootstrap_outcomes( data=data, outcome=outcome, outcome_kwargs=outcome_kwargs, cluster_by=cluster_by, seed=seed, n_draws=n_draws, n_cores=n_cores, error_handling=error_handling, batch_evaluator=batch_evaluator, ) out = bootstrap_from_outcomes( data, outcome, estimates, ci_method=ci_method, alpha=alpha, n_cores=n_cores ) return out
[docs]def bootstrap_from_outcomes( data, outcome, bootstrap_outcomes, *, ci_method="percentile", alpha=0.05, n_cores=1 ): """Set up results table containing mean, standard deviation and confidence interval for each estimated parameter. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): original dataset. outcome (callable): function of the data calculating statistic of interest. Needs to return a pandas Series. bootstrap_outcomes (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame of bootstrap_outcomes in the bootstrap samples. ci_method (str): method of choice for confidence interval computation. n_cores (int): number of jobs for parallelization. alpha (float): significance level of choice. Returns: results (pandas.DataFrame): table of results. """ check_inputs(data=data, ci_method=ci_method, alpha=alpha) summary = pd.DataFrame(bootstrap_outcomes.mean(axis=0), columns=["mean"]) summary["std"] = bootstrap_outcomes.std(axis=0) cis = compute_ci(data, outcome, bootstrap_outcomes, ci_method, alpha, n_cores) summary["lower_ci"] = cis["lower_ci"] summary["upper_ci"] = cis["upper_ci"] cov = bootstrap_outcomes.cov() out = {"summary": summary, "cov": cov, "outcomes": bootstrap_outcomes} return out