Source code for estimagic.benchmarking.get_benchmark_problems

import warnings
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from estimagic.benchmarking.cartis_roberts import CARTIS_ROBERTS_PROBLEMS
from estimagic.benchmarking.more_wild import MORE_WILD_PROBLEMS
from estimagic.benchmarking.noise_distributions import NOISE_DISTRIBUTIONS

[docs]def get_benchmark_problems( name, *, additive_noise=False, additive_noise_options=None, multiplicative_noise=False, multiplicative_noise_options=None, ): """Get a dictionary of test problems for a benchmark. Args: name (str): The name of the set of test problems. Currently "more_wild" is the only supported one. additive_noise (bool): Whether to add additive noise to the problem. Default False. additive_noise_options (dict or None): Specifies the amount and distribution of the addititve noise added to the problem. Has the entries: - distribition (str): One of "normal", "gumbel", "uniform", "logistic", "laplace". Default "normal". - std (float): The standard deviation of the noise. This works for all distributions, even if those distributions are normally not specified via a standard deviation (e.g. uniform). - correlation (float): Number between 0 and 1 that specifies the auto correlation of the noise. multiplicative_noise (bool): Whether to add multiplicative noise to the problem. Default False. multiplicative_noise_options (dict or None): Specifies the amount and distribition of the multiplicative noise added to the problem. Has entries: - distribition (str): One of "normal", "gumbel", "uniform", "logistic", "laplace". Default "normal". - std (float): The standard deviation of the noise. This works for all distributions, even if those distributions are normally not specified via a standard deviation (e.g. uniform). - correlation (float): Number between 0 and 1 that specifies the auto correlation of the noise. - clipping_value (float): A non-negative float. Multiplicative noise becomes zero if the function value is zero. To avoid this, we do not implement multiplicative noise as `f_noisy = f * epsilon` but by `f_noisy` = f + (epsilon - 1) * f_clipped` where f_clipped is bounded away from zero from both sides by the clipping value. Returns: dict: Nested dictionary with benchmark problems of the structure: {"name": {"inputs": {...}, "solution": {...}, "info": {...}}} where "inputs" are keyword arguments for ``minimize`` such as the criterion function and start parameters. "solution" contains the entries "params" and "value" and "info" might contain information about the test problem. """ raw_problems = _get_raw_problems(name) if additive_noise: additive_options = _process_noise_options(additive_noise_options, False) else: additive_options = None if multiplicative_noise: multiplicative_options = _process_noise_options( multiplicative_noise_options, True ) else: multiplicative_options = None problems = {} for name, specification in raw_problems.items(): inputs = _create_problem_inputs( specification, additive_options=additive_options, multiplicative_options=multiplicative_options, ) problems[name] = { "inputs": inputs, "solution": _create_problem_solution(specification), "info": specification.get("info", {}), } return problems
def _get_raw_problems(name): if name == "more_wild": raw_problems = MORE_WILD_PROBLEMS elif name == "cartis_roberts": warnings.warn( "Only a subset of the cartis_roberts benchmark suite is currently " "implemented. Do not use this for any published work." ) raw_problems = CARTIS_ROBERTS_PROBLEMS elif name == "example": subset = { "linear_full_rank_good_start", "rosenbrock_good_start", "helical_valley_good_start", "powell_singular_good_start", "freudenstein_roth_good_start", "bard_good_start", "box_3d", "jennrich_sampson", "brown_dennis_good_start", "chebyquad_6", "bdqrtic_8", "mancino_5_good_start", } raw_problems = {k: v for k, v in MORE_WILD_PROBLEMS.items() if k in subset} else: raise NotImplementedError() return raw_problems def _create_problem_inputs(specification, additive_options, multiplicative_options): _criterion = partial( _internal_criterion_template, criterion=specification["criterion"], additive_options=additive_options, multiplicative_options=multiplicative_options, ) _x = specification["start_x"] inputs = {"criterion": _criterion, "params": _x} return inputs def _create_problem_solution(specification): _solution_x = specification.get("solution_x") if _solution_x is None: _solution_x = specification["start_x"] * np.nan _params = _solution_x _value = specification["solution_criterion"] solution = { "params": _params, "value": _value, } return solution def _internal_criterion_template( params, criterion, additive_options, multiplicative_options ): critval = criterion(params) noise = _get_combined_noise( critval, additive_options=additive_options, multiplicative_options=multiplicative_options, ) noisy_critval = critval + noise if isinstance(noisy_critval, np.ndarray): out = { "root_contributions": noisy_critval, "value": noisy_critval @ noisy_critval, } else: out = noisy_critval return out def _get_combined_noise(fval, additive_options, multiplicative_options): size = len(np.atleast_1d(fval)) if multiplicative_options is not None: options = multiplicative_options.copy() std = options.pop("std") clipval = options.pop("clipping_value") scaled_std = std * _clip_away_from_zero(fval, clipval) multiplicative_noise = _sample_from_distribution( **options, std=scaled_std, size=size ) else: multiplicative_noise = 0 if additive_options is not None: additive_noise = _sample_from_distribution(**additive_options, size=size) else: additive_noise = 0 return multiplicative_noise + additive_noise def _sample_from_distribution(distribution, mean, std, size, correlation=0): sample = NOISE_DISTRIBUTIONS[distribution](size=size) dim = size if isinstance(size, int) else size[1] if correlation != 0 and dim > 1: chol = np.linalg.cholesky(np.diag(np.ones(dim) - correlation) + correlation) sample = (chol @ sample.T).T sample = sample / sample.std() sample *= std sample += mean return sample def _process_noise_options(options, is_multiplicative): options = {} if options is None else options defaults = {"std": 0.01, "distribution": "normal", "correlation": 0, "mean": 0} if is_multiplicative: defaults["clipping_value"] = 1 processed = { **defaults, **options, } distribution = processed["distribution"] if distribution not in NOISE_DISTRIBUTIONS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid distribution: {distribution}. " "Allowed are {list(NOISE_DISTRIBUTIONS)}" ) std = processed["std"] if std < 0: raise ValueError(f"std must be non-negative. Not: {std}") corr = processed["correlation"] if corr < 0: raise ValueError(f"corr must be non-negative. Not: {corr}") if is_multiplicative: clipping_value = processed["clipping_value"] if clipping_value < 0: raise ValueError( f"clipping_value must be non-negative. Not: {clipping_value}" ) return processed def _clip_away_from_zero(a, clipval): is_scalar = np.isscalar(a) a = np.atleast_1d(a) is_positive = a >= 0 clipped = np.where(is_positive, np.clip(a, clipval, np.inf), a) clipped = np.where(~is_positive, np.clip(clipped, -np.inf, -clipval), clipped) if is_scalar: clipped = clipped[0] return clipped