Source code for estimagic.visualization.convergence_plot

import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from estimagic.benchmarking.process_benchmark_results import (
from estimagic.config import PLOTLY_TEMPLATE
from estimagic.utilities import propose_alternatives
from estimagic.visualization.plotting_utilities import create_grid_plot
from estimagic.visualization.plotting_utilities import create_ind_dict

[docs]def convergence_plot( problems, results, *, problem_subset=None, algorithm_subset=None, n_cols=2, distance_measure="criterion", monotone=True, normalize_distance=True, runtime_measure="n_evaluations", stopping_criterion="y", x_precision=1e-4, y_precision=1e-4, combine_plots_in_grid=True, template=PLOTLY_TEMPLATE, palette=px.colors.qualitative.Plotly, ): """Plot convergence of optimizers for a set of problems. This creates a grid of plots, showing the convergence of the different algorithms on each problem. The faster a line falls, the faster the algorithm improved on the problem. The algorithm converged where its line reaches 0 (if normalize_distance is True) or the horizontal blue line labeled "true solution". Each plot shows on the x axis the runtime_measure, which can be walltime or number of evaluations. Each algorithm's convergence is a line in the plot. Convergence can be measured by the criterion value of the particular time/evaluation. The convergence can be made monotone (i.e. always taking the bast value so far) or normalized such that the distance from the start to the true solution is one. Args: problems (dict): estimagic benchmarking problems dictionary. Keys are the problem names. Values contain information on the problem, including the solution value. results (dict): estimagic benchmarking results dictionary. Keys are tuples of the form (problem, algorithm), values are dictionaries of the collected information on the benchmark run, including 'criterion_history' and 'time_history'. problem_subset (list, optional): List of problem names. These must be a subset of the keys of the problems dictionary. If provided the convergence plot is only created for the problems specified in this list. algorithm_subset (list, optional): List of algorithm names. These must be a subset of the keys of the optimizer_options passed to run_benchmark. If provided only the convergence of the given algorithms are shown. n_cols (int): number of columns in the plot of grids. The number of rows is determined automatically. distance_measure (str): One of "criterion", "parameter_distance". monotone (bool): If True the best found criterion value so far is plotted. If False the particular criterion evaluation of that time is used. normalize_distance (bool): If True the progress is scaled by the total distance between the start value and the optimal value, i.e. 1 means the algorithm is as far from the solution as the start value and 0 means the algorithm has reached the solution value. runtime_measure (str): "n_evaluations" or "walltime". stopping_criterion (str): "x_and_y", "x_or_y", "x", "y" or None. If None, no clipping is done. x_precision (float or None): how close an algorithm must have gotten to the true parameter values (as percent of the Euclidean distance between start and solution parameters) before the criterion for clipping and convergence is fulfilled. y_precision (float or None): how close an algorithm must have gotten to the true criterion values (as percent of the distance between start and solution criterion value) before the criterion for clipping and convergence is fulfilled. combine_plots_in_grid (bool): decide whether to return a one figure containing subplots for each factor pair or a dictionary of individual plots. Default True. template (str): The template for the figure. Default is "plotly_white". palette: The coloring palette for traces. Default is "qualitative.Plotly". Returns: plotly.Figure: The grid plot or dict of individual plots """ df, _ = create_convergence_histories( problems=problems, results=results, stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, x_precision=x_precision, y_precision=y_precision, ) # handle string provision for single problems / algorithms if isinstance(problem_subset, str): problem_subset = [problem_subset] if isinstance(algorithm_subset, str): algorithm_subset = [algorithm_subset] _check_only_allowed_subset_provided(problem_subset, df["problem"], "problem") _check_only_allowed_subset_provided(algorithm_subset, df["algorithm"], "algorithm") if problem_subset is not None: df = df[df["problem"].isin(problem_subset)] if algorithm_subset is not None: df = df[df["algorithm"].isin(algorithm_subset)] # plot configuration outcome = ( f"{'monotone_' if monotone else ''}" + distance_measure + f"{'_normalized' if normalize_distance else ''}" ) remaining_problems = df["problem"].unique() n_rows = int(np.ceil(len(remaining_problems) / n_cols)) # pre - style plots labels y_labels = { "criterion": "Current Function Value", "monotone_criterion": "Best Function Value Found So Far", "criterion_normalized": "Share of Function Distance to Optimum<br>" + "Missing From Current Criterion Value", "monotone_criterion_normalized": "Share of Function Distance to Optimum<br>" + "Missing From Best So Far", "parameter_distance": "Distance Between Current and Optimal Parameters", "parameter_distance_normalized": "Share of Parameter Distance to Optimum<br>" + "Missing From Current Parameters", "monotone_parameter_distance_normalized": "Share of the Parameter Distance " + "to Optimum<br> Missing From the Best Parameters So Far", "monotone_parameter_distance": "Distance Between the Best Parameters So Far<br>" "and the Optimal Parameters", } x_labels = { "n_evaluations": "Number of Function Evaluations", "walltime": "Elapsed Time", } # container for individual plots g_list = [] # container for titles titles = [] # creating data traces for plotting faceted/individual plots # dropping usage of palette for algoritms, but use the built in pallete for prob_name in remaining_problems: g_ind = [] # container for data for traces in individual plot to_plot = df[df["problem"] == prob_name] for i, alg in enumerate(to_plot["algorithm"].unique()): temp = to_plot[to_plot["algorithm"] == alg] trace_1 = go.Scatter( x=temp[runtime_measure], y=temp[outcome], mode="lines", legendgroup=i, name=alg, line={"color": palette[i]}, ) g_ind.append(trace_1) if distance_measure == "criterion" and not normalize_distance: f_opt = problems[prob_name]["solution"]["value"] trace_2 = go.Scatter( y=[f_opt for i in to_plot[runtime_measure]], x=to_plot[runtime_measure], mode="lines", line={"color": palette[i + 1]}, name="true solution", legendgroup=i + 1, ) g_ind.append(trace_2) g_list.append(g_ind) titles.append(prob_name.replace("_", " ").title()) xaxis_title = [x_labels[runtime_measure] for ind in range(len(g_list))] yaxis_title = [y_labels[outcome] for ind in range(len(g_list))] common_dependencies = { "ind_list": g_list, "names": titles, "clean_legend": True, "x_title": xaxis_title, "y_title": yaxis_title, } common_layout = { "template": template, "margin": {"l": 10, "r": 10, "t": 30, "b": 10}, } # Plot with subplots if combine_plots_in_grid: g = create_grid_plot( rows=n_rows, cols=n_cols, **common_dependencies, kws={"height": 320 * n_rows, "width": 500 * n_cols, **common_layout}, ) out = g # Dictionary for individual plots else: ind_dict = create_ind_dict( **common_dependencies, kws={"height": 320, "width": 500, "title_x": 0.5, **common_layout}, ) out = ind_dict return out
def _check_only_allowed_subset_provided(subset, allowed, name): """Check if all entries of a proposed subset are in a Series. Args: subset (iterable or None): If None, no checks are performed. Else a ValueError is raised listing all entries that are not in the provided Series. allowed (iterable): allowed entries. name (str): name of the provided entries to use for the ValueError. Raises: ValueError """ allowed = set(allowed) if subset is not None: missing = [entry for entry in subset if entry not in allowed] if missing: missing_msg = "" for entry in missing: proposed = propose_alternatives(entry, allowed) missing_msg += f"Invalid {name}: {entry}. Did you mean {proposed}?\n" raise ValueError(missing_msg)