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import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm

Bootstrap Tutorial#

This notebook contains a tutorial on how to use the bootstrap functionality provided by estimagic. We start with the simplest possible example of calculating standard errors and confidence intervals for an OLS estimator without and clustering. Then we progress to more advanced examples.

In this example, we will work with the “exercise” example dataset taken from the seaborn library.

The working example will be a linear regression to investigate the effects of exercise time on pulse.

Prepare the dataset#

df = sns.load_dataset("exercise", index_col=0)
replacements = {"1 min": 1, "15 min": 15, "30 min": 30}
df = df.replace({"time": replacements})
df["constant"] = 1

id diet pulse time kind constant
0 1 low fat 85 1 rest 1
1 1 low fat 85 15 rest 1
2 1 low fat 88 30 rest 1
3 2 low fat 90 1 rest 1
4 2 low fat 92 15 rest 1

Doing a very simple bootstrap#

The first thing we need is a function that calculates the bootstrap outcome, given an empirical or re-sampled dataset. The bootstrap outcome is the quantity for which you want to calculate standard errors and confidence intervals. In most applications those are just parameter estimates.

In our case, we want to regress “pulse” on “time” and a constant, and the function looks as follows:

def ols_fit(data):

    y = data["pulse"]
    x = data[["constant", "time"]]
    params = sm.OLS(y, x).fit().params
    return params

The outcome function must return a pandas Series.

Now we can calculate confidence intervals and standard errors.

from estimagic.inference import bootstrap

results_without_cluster = bootstrap(data=df, outcome=ols_fit)
mean std lower_ci upper_ci
constant 93.739117 1.480086 90.956284 96.627072
time 0.391281 0.125367 0.152010 0.650922

The above function call represents the minimum that a user has to specify, making full use of the default options, such as drawing a 1000 bootstrap draws, using the “percentile” bootstrap confidence interval, not making use of parallelization, etc.

If we would for example want to make 10000 draws, while parallelizing on two cores and using a “bca” type confidence interval, we would simply call the following.

results_without_cluster2 = bootstrap(
    data=df, outcome=ols_fit, n_draws=10_000, ci_method="bca", n_cores=2

mean std lower_ci upper_ci
constant 93.838738 1.50108 91.745650 96.883387
time 0.382765 0.12273 0.141525 0.560802

Doing a clustered bootstrap#

In the cluster robust variant of the bootstrap, the original dataset is divided into clusters according to the values of some user-specified variable, and then clusters are drawn uniformly with replacement in order to create the different bootstrap samples.

In order to use the cluster robust boostrap, we simply specify which variable to cluster by. In the example we are working with, it seems sensible to cluster on individuals, i.e. on the column “id” of our dataset.

results_with_cluster = bootstrap(data=df, outcome=ols_fit, cluster_by="id")

mean std lower_ci upper_ci
constant 93.787766 1.177882 91.538014 96.098402
time 0.387924 0.101298 0.194408 0.580074

We can see that the estimated standard errors are indeed of a smaller magnitude when we use the cluster robust bootstrap.

Finally, we can compare the results to full sample regressions using the statsmodels regression function and see that the cluster robust bootstrap gives standard error estimates very close to the cluster robust regression, while the regular bootstrap seems to overestimate the standard errors of both coefficients.

Note: We would not expect the asymptotic statsmodels standard errors to be exactly the same as the bootstrapped standard errors.

y = df["pulse"]
x = df[["constant", "time"]]

cluster_robust_ols = sm.OLS(y, x).fit(cov_type="cluster", cov_kwds={"groups": df["id"]})

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: pulse R-squared: 0.096
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.086
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 13.75
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2021 Prob (F-statistic): 0.000879
Time: 11:58:21 Log-Likelihood: -365.51
No. Observations: 90 AIC: 735.0
Df Residuals: 88 BIC: 740.0
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: cluster
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
constant 93.7611 1.205 77.837 0.000 91.400 96.122
time 0.3873 0.104 3.708 0.000 0.183 0.592
Omnibus: 20.828 Durbin-Watson: 0.827
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 26.313
Skew: 1.173 Prob(JB): 1.93e-06
Kurtosis: 4.231 Cond. No. 31.7

[1] Standard Errors are robust to cluster correlation (cluster)

Splitting up the process#

In many situations the above examples are enough. However, sometimes it is important to split up the bootstrapping process into smaller steps. Examples for such situations are:

  • You want to look at the bootstrap estimates

  • You want to do a bootstrap with a low number of draws first and add more draws later without duplicated calculations

  • You have more bootstrap outcomes than just the parameters

Accessing bootsrap outcomes#

The bootstrap outcomes are stored in the dictionary you get when calling the bootstrap function.

my_outcomes = bootstrap(data=df, outcome=ols_fit, seed=1234)["outcomes"]
constant time
0 92.377004 0.465963
1 94.549027 0.219700
2 94.171886 0.298749
3 94.087851 0.346593
4 93.624816 0.466219

To further compare the cluster bootstrap to the uniform bootstrap, let’s plot the sampling distribution of the parameters on time. We can again see that the standard error is smaller when we cluster on the subject id.

my_outcomes_clustered = bootstrap(data=df, outcome=ols_fit, seed=1234, cluster_by="id")[

# clustered distribution in blue
sns.histplot(my_outcomes_clustered["time"], kde=True, stat="density", linewidth=0)

# non-clustered distribution in orange
sns.histplot(my_outcomes["time"], kde=True, stat="density", linewidth=0, color="orange")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='Density'>

Calculating standard errors and confidence intervals from existing outcomes#

Once we have the outcomes, we can compute confidence intervals and standard errors from them

from estimagic.inference import bootstrap_from_outcomes

my_results = bootstrap_from_outcomes(
    data=df, outcome=ols_fit, bootstrap_outcomes=my_outcomes, ci_method="t"
mean std lower_ci upper_ci
constant 93.767044 1.501594 90.756341 96.598375
time 0.391806 0.128111 0.113098 0.617271

You can use this to calculate confidence intervals with several methods (e.g. “bca” and “percentile”) without duplicated evaluations of the bootstrap outcome function.

Extending bootstrap results with more draws#

It is often the case that for speed reasons you set the number of bootstrap draws quite low, so you can look at results earlier and later decide that you need more draws.

In the long run, we will offer a Dashboard integration for this. For now, you can do it manually.

As an example we will take my_outcomes defined above and extend it with another 500 draws.

Note: It is very important to use a different random seed when you calculate the additional outcomes!!!

more_outcomes = bootstrap(data=df, outcome=ols_fit, seed=5471, n_draws=500)["outcomes"]
combined_outcomes = pd.concat([my_outcomes, more_outcomes])
combined_results = bootstrap_from_outcomes(
mean std lower_ci upper_ci
constant 93.761361 1.499120 90.852839 96.765793
time 0.392384 0.125592 0.163723 0.650190

Accessing the bootstrap samples#

It is also possible to just access the bootstrap samples. You can use this for example, if you want to calculate your the bootstrap outcomes in parallel in a way that is not yet supported by estimagic (e.g. on a large cluster or supercomputer).

from estimagic.inference import get_bootstrap_samples

my_samples = get_bootstrap_samples(data=df, seed=1234)

id diet pulse time kind constant
47 16 no fat 89 30 walking 1
83 28 no fat 140 30 running 1
38 13 low fat 93 30 walking 1
53 18 no fat 101 30 walking 1
76 26 no fat 126 15 running 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0 1 low fat 85 1 rest 1
33 12 low fat 93 1 walking 1
21 8 no fat 92 1 rest 1
71 24 low fat 120 30 running 1
68 23 low fat 99 30 running 1

90 rows × 6 columns

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