How to specify constraints

General structure of constraints

The argument constraints of the estimagic functions minimize and maximize can take a list with any number of constraints. Each constraint is specified with a dictionary:

constraints = [
    {"loc": "a", "type": "sdcorr"},  # first constraint
    {"loc": "b", "type": "fixed"},  # second constraint

# pass the constraints to `minimize`
results = minimize(
    algo_options={"maxeval": 200},

The following keys are mandatory for all types of constraints:

  • “loc” or “query”, but not both:

    This will select the subset of parameters to which the constraint applies. If you use “loc”, the corresponding value can be any expression that is valid for DataFrame.loc. If you are not familiar with these methods, check out our tutorial on selecting parameters.

  • “type”:

    The type of constraint to implement.

Depending on the type of constraints, some additional entries in the constraint dictionary might be required. Below we show you how to specify constraints with simplified examples.


In all the examples, we denote the parameters’ DataFrame by "df". Keep in mind the params DataFrame we used to explain how to select parameters, where the first-level index denotes the parameter’s category and the second-level index further characterizes the parameter: For instance, specifying the parameter’s name if multiple parameters belong to the same category, or the time period if the model is dynamic.

If you are unfamiliar with DataFrame.loc and DataFrame.query make sure that your read that explanation first!

To diagnose what goes wrong in difficult optimizations you often want to fix some of the parameters. You could just remove them from your parameter vector, but it’s very handy if the parameter vector that arrives in your objective function always looks exactly the same. estimagic can fix the parameters for you.

A good example of a parameter that is fixed is a discount factor in a structural model. Assume this parameter has "delta" in the first index level and we want to fix it at 0.95. Then, the constraint is:

constraints = [{"loc": "delta", "type": "fixed", "value": 0.95}]

Note that "value" is optional. If it is not specified, the parameter is fixed at the value specified in the DataFrame.

Probability constraints are similar to sum constraints, but they always sum to 1 and are all bound between 0 and 1. Let’s assume we have a params DataFrame with "shares" in the fist index level, and we want to make sure that all the parameters grouped in that category will sum up to 1.

The constraint will look as follows:

constraints = [{"loc": "shares", "type": "probability"}]

As the name suggests, increasing constraints ensure that the selected parameters are increasing. The prime example are cutoffs in ordered choice models as for example the ordered logit model.

If the parameters to be selected have, say, cutoffs in the first index level, the constraint looks as follows:

constraints = [{"loc": "cutoffs", "type": "increasing"}]

Decreasing constraints are defined analogously.

Equality constraints ensure that all selected parameters are equal. This may sound useless, since one could simply leave all parameters except one out, but it often makes the parsing of the parameter vector much easier.

For example, consider a dynamic model where you want to keep only certain parameters time-invariant: The implementation can be much easier if you simply specify a constraint with estimagic, rather than handling each case with an if-condition.

Consider a DataFrame where the first index level specify the parameter’s name, while the second index level enumerate periods in the model. Keeping the parameter "a" time-invariant would be as simple as:

df.loc["a", "value"] = 2  # make sure "a" has the same value in each period
constraints = [{"loc": "a", "type": "equality"}]

Under the hood this will optimize over just one parameter "a" and set the other parameters "a" equal to it.

Pairwise equality constraints are different from all other constraints because they correspond to several sets of parameters. Let’s assume we want to keep the parameters under group "a" and "b" pairwise equal. Then, the constraint looks like this:

constraints = [{"locs": ["a", "b"], "type": "pairwise_equality"}]

Alternatively, you could have an entry "queries" where the corresponding value is a list of query strings. Both "locs" and "queries" can have any number of entries.

In maximum likelihood estimation, you often have to estimate the covariance matrix of a contribution. The covariance constraints makes sure that this covariance matrix is valid, i.e. positive semi-definite.

Consider an example taken from the respy package, which provides a general framework to implement some discrete choice dynamic programming (DCDP) models. A toy model implemented in respy represents a Robinson Crusoe economy, where in each period Robinson can choose between fishing and relaxing in his hammock. The reward of each alternative is subject to a shock, distributed according to a covariance matrix.

Let’s say that the covariance matrix parameters are the ones where "category" equals “shocks_cov”. The constraint could not be easier to express:

constraints = [{"loc": "shocks_cov", "type": "covariance"}]

estimagic will interpret the parameters selected by the constraint’s "loc" or "query" field as the C-ordered lower triangle of a covariance matrix, starting with the first and only non-zero element of the first row, then the first and second element of the second row and so on.

Note that the selected parameters will be interpreted this way regardless of the parameters’ names in the index. Otherwise estimagic would have to make assumptions on your index, and we don’t want to do that.

To look at the resulting covariance matrix, we can use another estimagic function:

from estimagic.optimization.utilities import cov_params_to_matrix

cov_params_to_matrix(df.loc["shocks_cov", "value"])

Covariance constraints are not compatible with any other type of constraint, including box constraints. You don’t have to add box constraints to keep the variances positive because estimagic does this for you.

Some optimizers are more aggressive than others and test more extreme parameters, which means that the variance-covariance matrix may not be positive semi-definite for every proposed parameterization.

Internally, estimagic uses the Cholesky factor \(C\), a lower-triangular matrix, of the variance-covariance matrix to do unconstrained optimization and rebuild the variance-covariance with \(\Omega = CCT\). To ensure positive semi-definiteness, you can add {"bounds_distance": 1e-6} to your constraint to bound the diagonal elements of the Cholesky factor farther away from zero.

The complete constraint with distance to the bounds is:

constraints = [{"loc": "shocks_cov", "type": "covariance", "bounds_distance": 1e-6}]

Most of the time, it is more intuitive to look at standard deviations and correlations than at covariance matrices. If this is the case, you want to use an “sdcorr” constraint instead of the “covariance” constraint.

The sdcorr constraint assumes that that the first elements are standard deviations and the rest is the lower triangle (excluding the diagonal) of a correlation matrix. Again, the names in the index are ignored by estimagic.

The constraint is then just:

constraints = [{"loc": "shocks_sdcorr", "type": "sdcorr"}]

And, of course, there is another helper function in the utilities module:

from estimagic.optimization.utilities import sdcorr_params_to_sds_and_corr

sds, corr = sdcorr_params_to_sds_and_corr(df.loc["shocks_sdcorr", "value"])

Note that the “bounds_distance” option is also available for “sdcorr” constraints. See the previous section on covariance constraints for more information.

Linear constraints can be used to express constraints of the form lower <= <= upper or = value, where x are the selected parameters. They have many of the above constraints as special cases: You should only write a linear constraint if you can’t express it as one of the special cases.

Besides loc, query and type, linear constraints have the following additional fields:

  • weights:

    This will be used to construct the vector of weights. It can be a numpy array, pandas Series, list or a float. In the latter case, the weights for all selected parameters will be equal to that number.

  • value:


  • lower:


  • upper:


You can specify either value or lower and upper bounds. Suppose you have the following params DataFrame:



















Suppose you want to express the following constraints:

  • The first parameter in the category "a" is two times the second parameter in that category.

  • The mean of the "b" parameters is larger than 3

  • The sum of the "c" parameters is between 0 and 5

Then the constraints would look as follows:

constraints = [
    {"loc": "a", "type": "linear", "weights": [1, -2], "value": 0},
    {"loc": "b", "type": "linear", "weights": 1 / 2, "lower": 3},
    {"loc": "c", "type": "linear", "weights": 1, "lower": 0, "upper": 5},

All constraints can have an additional key called “id”. An example could be:

constraints = [
    {"loc": "a", "type": "equality", "id": 0},
    {"loc": "b", "type": "increasing", "id": 1},

In structural economic models, the list of constraints can become quite large and cumbersome to write. Therefore, packages that implement such models will often write the constraints for you, and only allow you to complement them with additional user constraints.

But what if you want to relax some of the constraints they implement automatically? For this we have constraint killers. They take the following form:

killer = {"kill": 0}

For example, the following two lists of constraints will be equivalent:

constraints1 = [
    {"loc": "a", "type": "equality", "id": 0},
    {"loc": "b", "type": "increasing", "id": 1},
    {"kill": 0},
constraints2 = [{"loc": "b", "type": "increasing", "id": 1}]

If you write a package that implements constraints for the user, the following are best practices:

  • Give the user the chance to add additional constraints.

  • Add “id” entries to all constraints.

  • Give the user the possibility to look at the constraints that were constructed automatically.