Differentiation tools

Numerical first derivatives

estimagic.differentiation.derivatives.first_derivative(func, params, func_kwargs=None, method='central', n_steps=1, base_steps=None, scaling_factor=1, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, step_ratio=2, min_steps=None, f0=None, n_cores=1, error_handling='continue', batch_evaluator='joblib', return_func_value=False, key=None)[source]

Evaluate first derivative of func at params according to method and step options.

Internally, the function is converted such that it maps from a 1d array to a 1d array. Then the Jacobian of that function is calculated. The resulting derivative estimate is always a numpy.ndarray.

The parameters and the function output can be pandas objects (Series or DataFrames with value column). In that case the output of first_derivative is also a pandas object and with appropriate index and columns.

Detailed description of all options that influence the step size as well as an explanation of how steps are adjusted to bounds in case of a conflict, see generate_steps().

  • func (callable) – Function of which the derivative is calculated.

  • params (numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame) – 1d numpy array or pandas.DataFrame with parameters at which the derivative is calculated. If it is a DataFrame, it can contain the columns “lower_bound” and “upper_bound” for bounds. See How to specify start parameters.

  • func_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for func, optional.

  • method (str) – One of [“central”, “forward”, “backward”], default “central”.

  • n_steps (int) – Number of steps needed. For central methods, this is the number of steps per direction. It is 1 if no Richardson extrapolation is used.

  • base_steps (numpy.ndarray, optional) – 1d array of the same length as pasams. base_steps * scaling_factor is the absolute value of the first (and possibly only) step used in the finite differences approximation of the derivative. If base_steps * scaling_factor conflicts with bounds, the actual steps will be adjusted. If base_steps is not provided, it will be determined according to a rule of thumb as long as this does not conflict with min_steps.

  • scaling_factor (numpy.ndarray or float) – Scaling factor which is applied to base_steps. If it is an numpy.ndarray, it needs to be as long as params. scaling_factor is useful if you want to increase or decrease the base_step relative to the rule-of-thumb or user provided base_step, for example to benchmark the effect of the step size. Default 1.

  • lower_bounds (numpy.ndarray) – 1d array with lower bounds for each parameter. If params is a DataFrame and has the columns “lower_bound”, this will be taken as lower_bounds if now lower_bounds have been provided explicitly.

  • upper_bounds (numpy.ndarray) – 1d array with upper bounds for each parameter. If params is a DataFrame and has the columns “upper_bound”, this will be taken as upper_bounds if no upper_bounds have been provided explicitly.

  • step_ratio (float, numpy.array) – Ratio between two consecutive Richardson extrapolation steps in the same direction. default 2.0. Has to be larger than one. The step ratio is only used if n_steps > 1.

  • min_steps (numpy.ndarray) – Minimal possible step sizes that can be chosen to accommodate bounds. Must have same length as params. By default min_steps is equal to base_steps, i.e step size is not decreased beyond what is optimal according to the rule of thumb.

  • f0 (numpy.ndarray) – 1d numpy array with func(x), optional.

  • n_cores (int) – Number of processes used to parallelize the function evaluations. Default 1.

  • error_handling (str) – One of “continue” (catch errors and continue to calculate derivative estimates. In this case, some derivative estimates can be missing but no errors are raised), “raise” (catch errors and continue to calculate derivative estimates at fist but raise an error if all evaluations for one parameter failed) and “raise_strict” (raise an error as soon as a function evaluation fails).

  • batch_evaluator (str or callable) – Name of a pre-implemented batch evaluator (currently ‘joblib’ and ‘pathos_mp’) or Callable with the same interface as the estimagic batch_evaluators.

  • return_func_value (bool) – If True, return a tuple with the derivative and the function value at params. Default False. This is useful when using first_derivative during optimization.

  • key (str) – If func returns a dictionary, take the derivative of func(params)[key].


The estimated

first derivative of func at params. The shape of the output depends on the dimension of params and func(params):

  • f: R -> R leads to shape (1,), usually called derivative

  • f: R^m -> R leads to shape (m, ), usually called Gradient

  • f: R -> R^n leads to shape (n, 1), usually called Jacobian

  • f: R^m -> R^n leads to shape (n, m), usually called Jacobian

float, dict, numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series: The function value at params, only

returned if return_func_value is True.

Return type

derivative (numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame)