How to add an optimizerΒΆ

Adding optimizers to estimagic is a well-defined task which requires almost no knowledge about the rest of the package. The basic idea is to write a slightly adjusted interface which works with a generic objective function that maps a NumPy array to a criterion value.

In the following, the interface is discussed using the wrapper for the scipy package as an example. Without further ado, here is the complete wrapper!

def minimize_scipy_np(func, x0, bounds, algo_name, algo_options=None, gradient=None):
    """Interface for scipy.

        func (callable): Objective function.
        x0 (np.ndarray): Starting values of the parameters.
        bounds (Tuple[np.ndarray]): A tuple containing two NumPy arrays where the first
            corresponds to the lower and the second to the upper bound. Unbounded
            parameters are represented by infinite values. The arrays have the same
            length as the parameter vector.
        algo_name (str): One of the optimizers of the scipy package which receives the
            same inputs as the ``"method"`` keyword of the original function.
        algo_options (dict): Options for the optimizer.
        gradient (callable): Gradient function.

        results (dict): Dictionary with processed optimization results.

    # Scipy works with `None` instead of infinite values for unconstrained parameters
    # and requires a list of tuples for each parameter with lower and upper bound.
    bounds = np.column_stack(bounds)
    mask = ~np.isfinite(bounds)
    bounds = bounds.astype("object")
    bounds[mask] = None
    bounds = tuple(bounds)

    scipy_results_obj = minimize(
        func, x0, jac=gradient, method=algo_name, bounds=bounds, options=algo_options,

The function receives the following arguments

  • func is the objective function which works on NumPy arrays.

  • x0 are the starting values of the parameters.

  • bounds is a tuple of two NumPy arrays which have the same length as x0. The first array represents the lower and the second the upper bound. Infinite values represent unbounded parameters.

  • algo_name is optional for choosing the optimizer if the wrapper is for a package with multiple options.

  • algo_options is a dictionary of options for the specific algo_name. It could also be the case that the keys in algo_options become arguments of the interface which can be seen in the interface for POUNDERs (minimize_pounders_np()).

The function proceeds by preparing the arguments for the package. In this case, the bounds are converted.

Then, the optimization is started which returns an result object.

In the last step, the result object is converted to a dictionary. estimagic tries to harmonize the output of different optimizers as much as possible, but in general all information should be passed to the user. The harmonized fields are the following.

  • "fitness" contains the fitness value of the optimization. Other names are the sample log-likelihood or the sum of squared weighted errors.

  • "x" contains the parameter vector of the solution.

  • "n_evaluations" is the number of function evaluations, not counting evaluations for gradients, etc..

The rest of the fields should be named appropriately. See the other functions, _process_scipy_results(), _process_pygmo_results(), and _process_pounders_results(), for examples.