(bootstrap-cis)= # Bootstrap Confidence Intervals We use the notation and formulations provided in chapter 10 of {cite}`Hansen2020`. The first supported confidence interval type is the **"percentile"** confidence interval, as discussed in section 10.10 of the Hansen textbook. Let $\{ \hat{\theta}_1^*, ..., \hat{\theta}_B^*\}$ denote the estimates of estimator $\hat{\theta}$ for the B bootstrap samples. The idea of the percentile confidence interval is to simply take the empirical quantiles $q_{p}^*$ of this distributions, so we have $$ CI^{percentile} = [q_{\alpha/2}^*, q_{1-\alpha/2}^*]. $$ The second supported confidence interval **"normal"** is based on a normal approximation and discussed in Hansen's section 10.9. Let $s_{boot}$ be the sample standard error of the distribution of bootstrap estimators, $z_q$ the q-quantile of a standard normal distribution and $\hat{\theta}$ be the full sample estimate of $\theta$. Then, the asymptotic normal confidence interval is given by $$ CI^{normal} = [\hat{\theta} - z_{1- \alpha/2} s_{boot}, \hat{\theta} + z_{1- \alpha/2} s_{boot}]. $$ The bias-corrected **"bc"** bootstrap confidence interval addresses the issue of biased estimators. This problem is often present when estimating nonlinear models. Econometric details are discussed in section 10.17 of Hansen. Let $$ p^* = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^B 1(\hat{\theta}_b^* \leq \hat{\theta}) $$ and define $z_0^* = \Phi^{-1} (p^*)$, where $\Phi$ is the standard normal cdf. The bias correction works via correcting the significance level. Define $x(\alpha) = \Phi(z_\alpha + 2 z_0^*)$ as the corrected significance level for a target significant level of $\alpha$. Then, the bias-corrected confidence interval is given by $$ CI^{bc} = [q_{x(\alpha/2)}^*, q_{x(1-\alpha/2)}^*]. $$ A further refined version of the bias-corrected confidence interval is the bias-corrected and accelerated interval, short **"bca"**, as discussed in section 10.20 of Hansen. The general idea is to correct for skewness sampling distribution. Downsides of this confidence interval are that it takes quite a lot of time to compute, since it features calculating leave-one-out estimates of the original sample. Formally, again, the significance levels are adjusted. Define $$ \hat{a}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(\bar{\theta}-\hat{\theta}_{(-i)}\right)^{3}} {6\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(\bar{\theta}-\hat{\theta}_{(-i)}\right)^{2} \right)^{3 / 2}}, $$ where $\bar{\theta}=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \widehat{\theta}_{(-i)}$. This is an estimator for the skewness of $\hat{\theta}$. Then, the corrected significance level is given by $$ x(\alpha)=\Phi(z_{0}+\frac{z_{\alpha}+z_{0}}{1-a(z_{\alpha}+z_{0})}) $$ and the bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval is given by $$ CI^{bca} = [q_{x(\alpha/2)}^*, q_{x(1-\alpha/2)}^*]. $$ The studentized confidence interval, here called **"t"** type confidence interval first studentizes the bootstrap parameter distribution, i.e. applies the transformation $\frac{\hat{\theta}_b-\hat{\theta}}{s_{boot}}$, and then builds the confidence interval based on the estimated quantile function of the studentized data $\hat{G}$: $$ CI^{t} = \left[\hat{\theta}+\hat{\sigma} \hat{G}^{-1}(\alpha / 2), \hat{\theta}+\hat{\sigma} \hat{G}^{-1}(1-\alpha / 2)\right] $$ The final supported confidence interval method is the **"basic"** bootstrap confidence interval, which is derived in section 3.4 of {cite}`Wassermann2006`, where it is called the pivotal confidence interval. It is given by $$ CI^{basic} = \left[\hat{\theta}+\left(\hat{\theta}-\hat{\theta}_{u}^{\star}\right), \hat{\theta}+\left(\hat{\theta}-\hat{\theta}_{l}^{\star}\right)\right], $$ where $\hat{\theta}_{u}^{\star}$ denotes the $1-\alpha/2$ empirical quantile of the bootstrap estimate distribution for parameter $\theta$ and $\hat{\theta}_{l}^{\star}$ denotes the $\alpha/2$ quantile. ```{eval-rst} .. bibliography:: ../../refs.bib :filter: docname in docnames ```