Source code for estimagic.utilities

import difflib
import warnings
from hashlib import sha1

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.linalg import ldl, qr

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)

def chol_params_to_lower_triangular_matrix(params):
    dim = number_of_triangular_elements_to_dimension(len(params))
    mat = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    mat[np.tril_indices(dim)] = params
    return mat

[docs]def cov_params_to_matrix(cov_params): """Build covariance matrix from 1d array with its lower triangular elements. Args: cov_params (np.array): 1d array with the lower triangular elements of a covariance matrix (in C-order) Returns: cov (np.array): a covariance matrix """ lower = chol_params_to_lower_triangular_matrix(cov_params) cov = lower + np.tril(lower, k=-1).T return cov
def cov_matrix_to_params(cov): return cov[np.tril_indices(len(cov))] def sdcorr_params_to_sds_and_corr(sdcorr_params): dim = number_of_triangular_elements_to_dimension(len(sdcorr_params)) sds = np.array(sdcorr_params[:dim]) corr = np.eye(dim) corr[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = sdcorr_params[dim:] corr += np.tril(corr, k=-1).T return sds, corr def sds_and_corr_to_cov(sds, corr): diag = np.diag(sds) return diag @ corr @ diag def cov_to_sds_and_corr(cov): sds = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov)) diag = np.diag(1 / sds) corr = diag @ cov @ diag return sds, corr
[docs]def sdcorr_params_to_matrix(sdcorr_params): """Build covariance matrix out of variances and correlations. Args: sdcorr_params (np.array): 1d array with parameters. The dimensions of the covariance matrix are inferred automatically. The first dim parameters are assumed to be the variances. The remainder are the lower triangular elements (excluding the diagonal) of a correlation matrix. Returns: cov (np.array): a covariance matrix """ return sds_and_corr_to_cov(*sdcorr_params_to_sds_and_corr(sdcorr_params))
def cov_matrix_to_sdcorr_params(cov): dim = len(cov) sds, corr = cov_to_sds_and_corr(cov) correlations = corr[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] return np.hstack([sds, correlations])
[docs]def number_of_triangular_elements_to_dimension(num): """Calculate the dimension of a square matrix from number of triangular elements. Args: num (int): The number of upper or lower triangular elements in the matrix. Examples: >>> number_of_triangular_elements_to_dimension(6) 3 >>> number_of_triangular_elements_to_dimension(10) 4 """ return int(np.sqrt(8 * num + 1) / 2 - 0.5)
[docs]def dimension_to_number_of_triangular_elements(dim): """Calculate number of triangular elements from the dimension of a square matrix. Args: dim (int): Dimension of a square matrix. """ return int(dim * (dim + 1) / 2)
[docs]def propose_alternatives(requested, possibilities, number=3): """Propose possible alternatives based on similarity to requested. Args: requested_algo (str): From the user requested algorithm. possibilities (list(str)): List of available algorithms are lists of algorithms. number (int) : Number of proposals. Returns: proposals (list(str)): List of proposed algorithms. Example: >>> possibilities = ["scipy_lbfgsb", "scipy_slsqp", "nlopt_lbfgsb"] >>> propose_alternatives("scipy_L-BFGS-B", possibilities, number=1) ['scipy_slsqp'] >>> propose_alternatives("L-BFGS-B", possibilities, number=2) ['scipy_slsqp', 'scipy_lbfgsb'] """ number = min(number, len(possibilities)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) proposals = difflib.get_close_matches( requested, possibilities, n=number, cutoff=0 ) return proposals
[docs]def robust_cholesky(matrix, threshold=None, return_info=False): """Lower triangular cholesky factor of *matrix*. Args: matrix (np.array): Square, symmetric and (almost) positive semi-definite matrix threshold (float): Small negative number. Diagonal elements of D from the LDL decomposition between threshold and zero are set to zero. Default is minus machine accuracy. return_info (bool): If True, also return a dictionary with 'method'. Method can take the values 'np.linalg.cholesky' and 'Eigenvalue QR'. Returns: chol (np.array): Cholesky factor of matrix info (float, optional): see return_info. Raises: np.linalg.LinalgError if an eigenvalue of *matrix* is below *threshold*. In contrast to a regular cholesky decomposition, this function will also work for matrices that are only positive semi-definite or even indefinite. For speed and precision reasons we first try a regular cholesky decomposition. If it fails we switch to more robust methods. """ try: chol = np.linalg.cholesky(matrix) method = "np.linalg.cholesky" except np.linalg.LinAlgError: method = "LDL cholesky" threshold = threshold if threshold is not None else -np.finfo(float).eps chol = _internal_robust_cholesky(matrix, threshold) chol_unique = _make_cholesky_unique(chol) info = {"method": method} out = (chol_unique, info) if return_info else chol_unique return out
[docs]def robust_inverse(matrix, msg=""): """Calculate the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix. The difference to calling a pseudo inverse directly is that this function will emit a warning if the matrix is singular. Args: matrix (np.ndarray) """ header = ( "Standard matrix inversion failed due to LinAlgError described below. " "A pseudo inverse was calculated instead. " ) if len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square.") try: out = np.linalg.inv(matrix) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: out = np.linalg.pinv(matrix) warnings.warn(header + msg) except Exception: raise return out
def _internal_robust_cholesky(matrix, threshold): """Lower triangular cholesky factor of *matrix* using an LDL decomposition and QR factorization. Args: matrix (np.array): Square, symmetric and (almost) positive semi-definite matrix threshold (float): Small negative number. Diagonal elements of D from the LDL decomposition between threshold and zero are set to zero. Default is minus machine accuracy. Returns: chol (np.array): Cholesky factor of matrix. Raises: np.linalg.LinalgError if diagonal entry in D from LDL decomposition is below *threshold*. """ lu, d, _ = ldl(matrix) diags = np.diagonal(d).copy() for i in range(len(diags)): if diags[i] >= 0: diags[i] = np.sqrt(diags[i]) elif diags[i] > threshold: diags[i] = 0 else: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError( "Diagonal entry below threshold in D from LDL decomposition." ) candidate = lu * diags.reshape(1, len(diags)) is_triangular = (candidate[np.triu_indices(len(matrix), k=1)] == 0).all() if is_triangular: chol = candidate else: _, r = qr(candidate.T) chol = r.T return chol def _make_cholesky_unique(chol): """Make a lower triangular cholesky factor unique. Cholesky factors are only unique with the additional requirement that all diagonal elements are positive. This is done automatically by np.linalg.cholesky. Since we calucate cholesky factors by QR decompositions we have to do it manually. It is obvious from that this is admissible because: chol sign_swither sign_switcher.T chol.T = chol chol.T """ sign_switcher = np.sign(np.diagonal(chol)) return chol * sign_switcher
[docs]def hash_array(arr): """Create a hashsum for fast comparison of numpy arrays.""" # make sure array can be represented exactly in floating point numbers arr = 1 + arr - 1 return sha1(arr.tobytes()).hexdigest()
[docs]def calculate_trustregion_initial_radius(x): """Calculate the initial trust region radius. It is calculated as :math:`0.1\\max(|x|_{\\infty}, 1)`. Args: x (np.ndarray): the start parameter values. Returns: trust_radius (float): initial trust radius """ x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, ord=np.inf) return 0.1 * max(x_norm, 1)
def to_pickle(obj, path): with open(path, "wb") as buffer: cloudpickle.dump(obj, buffer) def read_pickle(path): return pd.read_pickle(path)
[docs]def isscalar(element): """Jax aware replacement for np.isscalar.""" if np.isscalar(element): return True # call anything a scalar that says it has 0 dimensions return getattr(element, "ndim", -1) == 0
[docs]def get_rng(seed): """Construct a random number generator. seed (Union[None, int, numpy.random.Generator]): If seed is None or int the numpy.random.default_rng is used seeded with seed. If seed is already a Generator instance then that instance is used. Returns: numpy.random.Generator: The random number generator. """ if isinstance(seed, np.random.Generator): rng = seed elif seed is None or isinstance(seed, int): rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) else: raise TypeError("seed type must be in {None, int, numpy.random.Generator}.") return rng