(list_of_videos)= # Videos Check out our tutorials, talks and screencasts about estimagic. ## Talks and tutorials ### EuroSciPy 2023 (Talk) ```{raw} html ``` ### EuroSciPy 2023 (Tutorial) ```{raw} html ``` ### SciPy 2022 (Tutorial) ```{raw} html ``` ## Screencasts The screencasts are part of the course _Effective Programming Practices for Economists_, taught at the University of Bonn by [Hans-Martin von Gaudecker](https://www.wiwi.uni-bonn.de/gaudecker/), and previously also [Janoś Gabler](https://github.com/janosg). You can find all screencasts of the course on the [course webite](https://effective-programming-practices.vercel.app/landing-page.html). Here, we show the screencasts about numerical optimization and estimagic. ### Introduction to numerical optimization ```{raw} html ``` ### Using estimagic’s minimize and maximize ```{raw} html ``` ### Visualizing optimizer histories ```{raw} html ``` ### Choosing optimization algorithms ```{raw} html ```