Source code for estimagic.visualization.lollipop_plot

import math

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from estimagic.config import PLOTLY_PALETTE, PLOTLY_TEMPLATE
from estimagic.visualization.plotting_utilities import create_grid_plot, create_ind_dict

[docs]def lollipop_plot( data, *, sharex=True, plot_bar=True, n_rows=1, scatterplot_kws=None, barplot_kws=None, combine_plots_in_grid=True, template=PLOTLY_TEMPLATE, palette=PLOTLY_PALETTE, ): """Make a lollipop plot. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): The datapoints to be plotted. The whole data will be plotted. Thus if you want to plot just some variables or rows you need to restrict the dataset before passing it. sharex (bool): Whether the x-axis is shared across variables, default True. plot_bar (bool): Whether thin bars are plotted, default True. n_rows (int): Number of rows for a grid if plots are combined in a grid, default 1. The number of columns is determined automatically. scatterplot_kws (dict): Keyword arguments to plot the dots of the lollipop plot via the scatter function. barplot_kws (dict): Keyword arguments to plot the lines of the lollipop plot via the barplot function. combine_plots_in_grid (bool): decide whether to return a one figure containing subplots for each factor pair or a dictionary of individual plots. Default True. template (str): The template for the figure. Default is "plotly_white". palette: The coloring palette for traces. Default is "qualitative.Plotly". Returns: plotly.Figure: The grid plot or dict of individual plots """ data, varnames = _harmonize_data(data) scatter_dict = { "mode": "markers", "marker": {"color": palette[0]}, "showlegend": False, } bar_dict = { "orientation": "h", "width": 0.03, "marker": {"color": palette[0]}, "showlegend": False, } scatterplot_kws = ( scatter_dict if scatterplot_kws is None else scatter_dict.update( {k: v for k, v in scatterplot_kws.items() if k not in scatter_dict} ) ) barplot_kws = ( bar_dict if barplot_kws is None else bar_dict.update( {k: v for k, v in barplot_kws.items() if k not in bar_dict} ) ) # container for individual plots g_list = [] # container for titles titles = [] # creating data traces for plotting faceted/individual plots for indep_name in varnames: g_ind = [] # dot plot using the scatter function to_plot = data[data["indep"] == indep_name] trace_1 = go.Scatter(x=to_plot["values"], y=to_plot["__name__"], **scatter_dict) g_ind.append(trace_1) # bar plot if plot_bar: trace_2 = go.Bar(x=to_plot["values"], y=to_plot["__name__"], **bar_dict) g_ind.append(trace_2) g_list.append(g_ind) titles.append(indep_name) # common x range lower_candidate = data[["indep", "values"]].groupby("indep").min().min() upper_candidate = data[["indep", "values"]].groupby("indep").max().max() padding = (upper_candidate - lower_candidate) / 10 lower = lower_candidate - padding upper = upper_candidate + padding common_dependencies = { "ind_list": g_list, "names": titles, "share_xax": sharex, "x_min": lower, "x_max": upper, } common_layout = { "template": template, "margin": {"l": 10, "r": 10, "t": 30, "b": 10}, } # Plot with subplots if combine_plots_in_grid: n_cols = math.ceil(len(varnames) / n_rows) g = create_grid_plot( rows=n_rows, cols=n_cols, **common_dependencies, kws={"height": 150 * n_rows, "width": 150 * n_cols, **common_layout}, ) out = g # Dictionary for individual plots else: ind_dict = create_ind_dict( **common_dependencies, kws={"height": 150, "width": 150, "title_x": 0.5, **common_layout}, ) out = ind_dict return out
def _harmonize_data(data): if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] to_concat = [] for i, _df in enumerate(data): df = _df.copy() df.columns = _make_string_index(df.columns) df.index = _make_string_index(df.index) df["__name__"] = df.index df["__hue__"] = i to_concat.append(df) combined = pd.concat(to_concat) # so that it is possibel to facet the strip plot new_data = pd.melt( combined, id_vars=["__name__", "__hue__"], var_name="indep", value_name="values" ) varnames = new_data["indep"].unique() return new_data, varnames def _make_string_index(ind): if isinstance(ind, pd.MultiIndex): out = tup: "_".join(str(name) for name in tup)).tolist() else: out = return out